When you hear the Jonas Brothers what comes mind? For me its the screaming of the annoying little girls that want them. They keep posters of each of them hanging above their bed and each night before bed they kiss the poster and hope that one day they will become a Mrs.Jonas. The likely chance of that ever happening is very slim and now is even becoming more slimmer since one of brothers has just gotten married. The oldest one, Kevin has been the lucky one to give up his promise ring first. Each Jonas has a ring that was given to them by their parents.
There are three brothers total in the band. Kevin, the oldest, Joe, the middle child, and Nick the youngest. Although some maybe mistaken, Nick is not the youngest in the family. There is also another Jonas brother named Frankie. Who is considered to be the ''bonus Jonas'. The older brothers will grow up with much publicity where Frankie was on Hannah Montana for a few episodes I do believe.
Now my complete opinion on the Jonas Brothers is that they a

re OK but the are way to young to be in the music business. I bet some of their voices haven't even changed yet. I don't mind some of their songs I do have to say but still out of three Jonas' I give them a 1/3 + 1 bonus Jonas;)
Sonia, this is the funniest blog ever. But I don't think "more slimmer" is correct grammar. Anyways, I loved the blog! Good luck in your pursuit of dating the Bonus Jonas