Everyone knows what the movie Bambi is about and how in the movie Bambi's mother gets shot...well if you didn't know you do now. Bambi is a very classic Walt Disney movie. It has been seen by many and it is remembered in most childhood memories.
We watched Bambi the other day in Media 20 class and it just wasn't the same. When I was younger I didn't realize the classical music in the background or the way the music enhanced a scene, heck or the way the some of the characters acted. To me it also seemed that the storyline was a bit jumpy. One minute it was spring then winter and Bambi hadn't even grown. He stayed the same size until his mother got killed then suddenly out of know where he grows up.
My favorite character of the whole movie has to be Flower. If you don't know who that is, its the skunk that Bambi calls a pretty flower. Now this may seem a bit odd to you but Flower is actually a boy. I know you are all like what the f-bomb but he is truly a guy. I am like 95% positive that the little skunk is gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay just to be clear but it does cause a bit of confusion for children. Growing up I always thought Flower was a girl and it completely changed my life when I found out that he was a boy. He like hits on Bambi. I thoug
ht this movie was great for a classic children's movie but I seriously think they should clear the air with the gay skunk. I give this movie 4 gay skunks named Flower out of 5.

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