Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Godfather

Friday, June 18, 2010


Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Baby Formula
Not only is this movie Canadian but so are some of the actors. When this movie first came on the television I was quite intrigued by it. So mom and I decided to watch it and I'm glad we did. This movie was so amazing. It made me cry and laugh. It really shows that everyone wants the same things in life and no matter what you just want whats best.

I recommend this movie for everyone to watch. It really shows that even if you are gay or lesbian then you are no different from any one else. I really got emotional from this movie and the actors were amazing, especially Jessica Booker. She was so funny. She played the granny of Athena and its funny because she was completely different from her daughter Wanda. Granny would drink "ice tea" and say the funniest things. Oh I had a good laugh. I give this movie a rating of 10 drunk Granny's out of 10
Robert Pattinson

Monday, June 14, 2010
Dr.Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
I loved everything about this movie. I loved the fact that one actor plays many characters. I love even more the way all the characters act. I could watch this movie again in a heartbeat. I do have to admit though I was quite skeptical of this movie when I heard its tittle and background. I thought it was going to be another one of those boring classics that you have to watch in class cause its in the curriculum. I was completely and utterly wrong. Everyone should see this movie. It was way too funny. One of my favorite parts of this movie is when President Merkin Muffley phones this guy Dimitry in Russia to warn him about the bombs. I could watch it over and over and still find it funny. I give this movie 10 Doomsday Machines out of 10.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Maltese Falcon

For me this movie sucked A**. I hated everything about this movie and yes I understand that the sculpture is so called priceless but really would you go thro

Now for an actual rating I would have to give The Maltese Falcon 1 "priceless" sculptures out of 5. I just didn't like the movie. The only thing I liked about it was the character Joel Cairo. He was so hilarious. To me he seemed very touchy-feely and I just couldn't help myself from laughing. Other wise the movie was really boring and dragged out way to long. I think this was my least favorite movie out of the ones we have watched so far.
Friday, May 28, 2010
High Noon
High Noon is one of those westerns that are filled with suspense. While watching High Noon you could feel the suspense of the scene coming on because of the type of music that was playing. Although there was one song that they kept playing over and over again. The song was Do Not Forsake Me, My Darling by Tex Ritter. It was quite catchy and every time it would come on I would get drawn in by its old western sound. It almost makes me wanna cry for some reason.
High Noon is one of those westerns that are actually not that bad to watch since they have a story line t

Back in the day I'm sure High Noon was "Da Bomb" so to speak. It was a revelation to how westerns were portrayed. Never before had there been more of a story compared to just shooting with good VS. bad. The extra story lines gave this movie an extra twist. You wanted to know what was going to happen between Mr. and Mrs. Kane and whether or not all we turn out well.
For this movie I would have to give it 4 gunslingers out of 5. I believe that is a great western plus it has a catchy tune. I recommend watching it if you are a fan of westerns.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Citizen Kane

Although Citizen Kane is titled to be one of America's greatest films. My thought on that title is that maybe for its time it was one of America's greatest films but it is not any more. Citizen Kane is good for a classic but I would not watch it unless I had to. I guess if you wanted to watch a classic this would be a good one to start with because it does have some technological advancements for its time. The one scene that really sticks out in my mind is a scene where Kane is walking in front of a mirror and you see his reflections continue because there is a mirror on both sides of him. This truly shows how lonely he is and really gives emotion to the scene.
My complete rating for this movie is decent. I didn't really care for it but it is a classic and to truly call yourself a movie expert you have to watch them. I rate this movie 5 out of 10 lonely Charles Foster Kanes.
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Jonas Brothers

There are three brothers total in the band. Kevin, the oldest, Joe, the middle child, and Nick the youngest. Although some maybe mistaken, Nick is not the youngest in the family. There is also another Jonas brother named Frankie. Who is considered to be the ''bonus Jonas'. The older brothers will grow up with much publicity where Frankie was on Hannah Montana for a few episodes I do believe.
Now my complete opinion on the Jonas Brothers is that they a

Monday, April 19, 2010
Charlie Chaplin's- The Kid
OK, so we had to watch The Kid in media class the other day. It was my first experience watching a silent film. I would have to say that I liked it quite a bit. Although there was no talking you were still able to understand what was going on. Some points in the movie they had little captions so that if you were slightly lost you could figure out what was going. The music adds a slight spark to the scene and shows the characters in different lights. When there was something going on, the music showers the scene with its graceful melody. It would set the scene up so you could get a feel of what was going on. Another funny thing about this film is the fact that its so old that there was only one type of camera angle, fading out and in.
Now would I actually recommend this movie to someone else, yes. I much so liked the film although it is not your typical 21st century movie it is a classic. It was nice to watch a movie that was simple but entertaining. The Kid was very entertaining. It had its sad emotional parts and some very funny ones. I'm sure if you were to watch this movie you would be entertained although some parts may leave bored because there is no sound. I give this movie 3 1/2 Charlie Chaplins out 5